These tales washed up one misty morn on a Westcountry shore like mysterious flotsam and jetsam to the delight of one curious beachcomber.
Come and hear them told and sung at South Devon Storytellers Monday 9th January 7.30pm
Listen to one of them here:
From the album Uncle Wolf, available to buy on Bandcamp
Clive PiG is a storyteller, poet and potato juggler.
His dynamic delivery of traditional and original tales appeals to young and old, making him a popular performer in the UK and beyond.
This travelling talesman has sung songs on TV in New York City, shared stories in Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan, and spouted poetry at Number 10 Downing Street.
Clive’s storytelling is theatrical and interactive, combining music and song, rhythm and rhyme. His dramatic performance style is captured perfectly in his two illustrated books of original stories and comic poems –
Jurassic Cove http://www.clivepig.co.uk/product/jurassic-cove/
and Unicorn in the Playground http://www.clivepig.co.uk/product/unicorn-in-the-playground
“He doesn’t just tell the story, he lives the story.”
Emma Cordy, Stage Manager, Big Top, Kidz Field, Glastonbury Festival.