Percy Veer won the cup for never ever giving up

Percy Veer
Percy Veer
Won the cup
For never ever giving up
Not so fast
Often last
Never first
Was he cursed?
He’d be lapped
Every lap
Every relay
He’d delay
Every hurdle
Was a hurdle
But …
In a sprint
He would not stint
He’d try and try
And try and then
He’d trip and fall
And rise again
Once, lost
In the triathlon
They sent out a search party
They found him
In a marathon
But hale and hearty
The best he ever
Came was fourth
He’d never won a medal
No bronze, no silver nor no gold
But now he’s got some metal
Yes, Percy Veer
Won the cup
For never ever giving up
Presented to him by his mum
Percy was so chuffed
He stood on the pouffe podium
And held the prize aloft
© Clive PiG
(Version 25/06/2016- 08/09/2021)