First foray far afield since Myanmar, Cambodia, and Saudi Arabia in 2020. Thanks to and Dawn Darling of FIS.

First foray far afield since Myanmar, Cambodia, and Saudi Arabia in 2020. Thanks to and Dawn Darling of FIS.
A story to warm your cockles Dartmoor Storytellers presents New Light – Stories for the Winter Solstice The nights are long, and the sun is at its lowest point: after a challenging twelve months, we wait for the first spark of The Superhero Beaver and other Beaver TailsTues 26th October10.30 – 12 noon£3.50 per child (1 accompanying adult per child)Courtyard Heard the story about the beaver who saved the world? Do you know how the beaver got a flat tail?
THE THREE LITTLE PIXIES OF DARTMOOR & THE SPRITES OF BURYAN Want to know the difference between a pixie and a spriggan, or a knocker from a sprite? Bring your fairies and pixies to Soapbox Theatre and storyteller Clive PiG
All three of us were hoping for free flights for life but when the captured cockroach was presented to the lugubrious steward he quipped, “It’s not mine.” As he whisked it away he offered, “This is a delicacy in China.”
The Woman Whose Nose Was A Sausage Clive PiG – aka Mister Storyfella – is a globetrotting storyteller, poet, songster and potato juggler. This travelling talesman, peddlar of poetry and thoroughly modern troubadour will be telling tall tales and silly