Don’t be afraid of the little green devils. Embrace the faeries’ cabbages. Current world record to beat: 33 of the bitter brassicas in 60 seconds. Come on, you can do it!!!
Clive PiG’s Christmas Message

Don’t be afraid of the little green devils. Embrace the faeries’ cabbages. Current world record to beat: 33 of the bitter brassicas in 60 seconds. Come on, you can do it!!!
Crossing Rivers, Building Bridges – Family Storytelling with Clive PiG at the Tamar Bridge April 8th 2.00-3.30pm April 12th 2.00 -3.30pm April 14th 10.00 -11.30pm by Bridging the Tamar Visitor and Learning Centre BOOK HERE:
The Adventures of Mister Storyfella courtesy of in Lisbon – Madrid – Lanzarote January 23rd Lisbon January 25th Madrid January 26 – 27 Lanzarote
Victorian Penny Dreadfuls were sensational stories sold on the streets for a penny. Some of the spooky characters from these tall tales have come to life in the Lanhydrock nursery. Can you seek out the haunted treasure and escape the
First foray far afield since Myanmar, Cambodia, and Saudi Arabia in 2020. Thanks to and Dawn Darling of FIS. The Superhero Beaver and other Beaver TailsTues 26th October10.30 – 12 noon£3.50 per child (1 accompanying adult per child)Courtyard Heard the story about the beaver who saved the world? Do you know how the beaver got a flat tail?
Two tigers saw a tabby cat Walking by their cage They dashed over to gobble it But then became enraged The tabby, though, just stood there It didn’t run away The look it gave the angry pair Seemed to me
THE THREE LITTLE PIXIES OF DARTMOOR & THE SPRITES OF BURYAN Want to know the difference between a pixie and a spriggan, or a knocker from a sprite? Bring your fairies and pixies to Soapbox Theatre and storyteller Clive PiG