The Whole Tooth

Do you know anyone like Beth’s brother Bert? This poem will feature in my forthcoming book – Axolotl in a Bottle.
Storytelling and free fun for all the family over May half term! Jellyfish on toast? Dinosaurs playing football with an ice-cream van? Seagulls stealing i-Phones? Come and hear about these and other amazingly amusing animal antics. Silly songs, astounding stories
Words by me. Sounds from GarageBand. Concocted for you.
Percy Veer won the cup for never ever giving up Percy Veer Percy Veer Won the cup For never ever giving up Not so fast Often last Never first Was he cursed? He’d be lapped Every lap Every relay He’d
Two tigers saw a tabby cat Walking by their cage They dashed over to gobble it But then became enraged The tabby, though, just stood there It didn’t run away The look it gave the angry pair Seemed to me
The Cat PM at No 10 A version of this poem was performed at No 10 Downing Street on 24th November 2015 There once was a cat at Number 10, Who fancied himself as the PM. He’d jump on the