The Whole Tooth

Do you know anyone like Beth’s brother Bert? This poem will feature in my forthcoming book – Axolotl in a Bottle.
Every Monday during summer hols
Join Henry Everett and myself for a storytelling workshop, exploring the Trickster figure from tales across the world. There will be tales, games and playful approaches to explore disruptive imagination! 13th Jan, Totnes Ticket link in event details!
Don’t be afraid of the little green devils. Embrace the faeries’ cabbages. Current world record to beat: 33 of the bitter brassicas in 60 seconds. Come on, you can do it!!!
The Wicked Pumpkin In a town you’ve never heard of, in a street you’ll never walk down and in a house you’ll never see lived a little boy called Eustace. He was exceptionally good most of the time but occasionally
Crossing Rivers, Building Bridges – Family Storytelling with Clive PiG at the Tamar Bridge April 8th 2.00-3.30pm April 12th 2.00 -3.30pm April 14th 10.00 -11.30pm by Bridging the Tamar Visitor and Learning Centre BOOK HERE:
These tales washed up one misty morn on a Westcountry shore like mysterious flotsam and jetsam to the delight of one curious beachcomber. Come and hear them told and sung at South Devon Storytellers Monday 9th January 7.30pm Listen to