First foray Down Under thanks to Paul Jones at The King’s School, Sydney, Australia
Storytelling is an art form. Stories have been told in every land and culture, throughout the ages. This week, Year 3 launched an inquiry into storytelling, and they were thrilled to meet Mister Storyfella himself, for an English lesson to remember! Speaking to the boys from Devon in England, Clive shared stories, myths, legends and song for almost an hour.
Identifying as a globetrotting storyteller, poet and potato juggler, Clive PiG – Mister Storyfella skilfully shared his talents with the boys. He emphasised the importance of storytelling, not story reading. Listening intently and laughing on cue, the Year 3 boys were introduced to Colin the chocoholic, an old Scottish lady with a LOT of courage (and a broom!), as well as a Colombian pizza chef called Luigi!
Clive is a gifted storyteller whose facial expressions, voices, gestures and props kept every boy entertained. What a great way to remember that stories can be brought to life through expression and action. The boys will continue to explore the art of storytelling and a variety of dramatic techniques through our ‘How we express ourselves’ Unit of Inquiry.
Looking for a storyteller? Look no further!