Two tigers saw a tabby cat
Walking by their cage
They dashed over to gobble it
But then became enraged
The tabby, though, just stood there
It didn’t run away
The look it gave the angry pair
Seemed to me to say,

For your records, I am in receipt of a poetic licence, and also have an enhanced DBS certificate,
and Public Liability Insurance for up to 10 million squid.
“I was wild once, just like you
But now I’m mild and tame
I come and go from this old zoo
And you can’t —that’s a shame.
But I’d swap places if I could
Because I’d rather see
You escape into the woods
Wild and running free
For I’m a prisoner as a pet
I’m in captivity
My ancestors would so regret
What’s become of me.
I’d prefer your prison chains
Than my sofa, that’s for sure
I so wish I could be untamed
I’d roar like you for evermore.”
The tigers now were so het up
They could not reach their prey
A keeper came and picked it up
And carried it away.
Two tigers and a tabby cat
Are all somewhere they hate
They live in a strange habitat
They share the same sad fate.
© Clive PiG 03/10/2021